ABCO Projects

Over the period of its existence ABCO implemented several international donor funded projects of medium and large scale in the various regions of Georgia that were aimed at local SME, agri-business and community development. Below is the selected list of the implemented projects:
- 2018 -2020: “Inclusive Growth and Employment for Young Entrepreneurs in Georgia”;
- 2017-2019: “Georgia on European Way: Creation of Effective Model for DCFTA and SME Strategy Implementation”;
- 2015 – 2017: Promoting Access to Finance and Agricultural Insurance (PAFAI);
- 2015 – 2017: “UNDP/GEF – Expansion and Improved Management Effectiveness of Adjara Regions Protected Areas;
- 2014 – 2016: “ENPARD Ajara – Support to Agricultural Development”
- 2015-2017: Increasing Agricultural Skills of the Affected Cattle Breeding/Poultry/Hazelnut Farmers in Khulo and Shuakhevi Municipalities;
- 2014-2017: “Strengthening Farmers Cooperatives In Rural Municipalities of Georgia” (ENPARD I);
- 2011-2015: “Market Opportunities For Livelihood Improvement” (MOLI in Kakheti);
- 2010-2013: “Improve living conditions of the population of the Akhaltsikhe, Aspindza and Adigeni districts of Samtskhe- Javakheti Region of Georgia”;
- 2013-2014: “Improvement of Agricultural Machinery in Dioknisi Village of Khulo District”;
- 2011–2012: “Establishment and Support of a Rural Service Center in the Khulo District;
- 2009-2012: Training and consulting component for the Mechanization Service Centers;
- 2010-2011: “Promotion of Civic Participation and Development of Local Self-Government Capacities in Samtskhe –Javakheti”;
- 2010-2011: “Supporting Joint Livelihood Activities among Local Population from the Currently Occupied Akhalgori District and the Adjacent District of Georgia", under the COBERM Project;
- 2010-2011: “Strengthening Community Based Farmers' Groups and Agricultural Services in Samstkhe-Javakheti”;
- 2010: Capacity Building of Martvili Agro Service Center” (MASC);
- 2010: ToT (Training of Trainers) program for the staff of “Martvili Agro Service Center” (MASC);
- 2009-2010: “Enhance Effectiveness of Small Peasants’ Economy in Georgia”;
- 2009: Trainings and consulting program for groups of IDPs;
- 2009: “Livelihood Rehabilitation in Gori region”;
- 2008-2009: “Sustainable development of mountain region in Georgia and Azerbaijan, Phase III”;
- 2007-2009: Training programs in “Business Skills For Cattle Farmers”;
- 2007-2008: “Modern Agricultural Quest Project in Georgia” (MAQ);
- 2007: Development of two market studies: 1)Market Study For Pork, Beef and Honey Products in Georgia; 2)Market Study for Potato and Vegetables products in Georgia;
- 2006-2009: “Integrated Poverty Reduction Program in Vulnerable Rural Communities of Samtskhe –Javakheti Region”;
- 2006-2008: Business Training and Consulting in frame of the “Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) and Reintegration” project;
- 2006-2008: “Sustainable Livelihoods in Adigeni and Adjacent Rayons” (SLAAR 2);
- 2006-2008: Business Training and Consulting programs for the “Georgia Returns Project” (GRP);
- 2006-2007: “Community Investment Program” (CIP-2);
- 2006-2007: “Georgia Rural Energy Project”;
- 2006: “Youth’s Business Development” in Samtskhe-Javakheti region of Georgia;
- 2005-2006: “Economic Development Planning (EDP)” component within the “Communities Empowered for Local Decision-making” (CELD) program;
- 2005: Establishment of the Training Centre within the Framework of the Women’s Regional Centre in Samtskhe-Javakheti;
- 2005: ToT (Training of Trainers) program for the Gali Business Center in Abkhazia region;
- 2004-2005: Market Assessment of SME Activities in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy;
- 2004: The State Program for Temporary and Permanent Employment of the Unemployed Persons;
- 2004: Evaluation of Economic Impact of Community Development projects (GCMI);
- 2004: Market study/analyse of the existing market in Georgia for detergents and disinfection means;
- 2004: Initiation, establishment and capacity building of 3 new Business Centers in the different regions and locations of Georgia -Borjomi, Dusheti and Mestia;
- 2004: The Borrowers’ Training Course (Credit Facility component of the GESI project);
- 2004: “Training for Young Entrepreneurs”;
- 2004: Training courses in Business Planning, Marketing and financial Planning in frame of the GCMI Economic Development Program;
- 2003-2004: Training and consulting program under the “Credit Facilitation Project”;
- 2003: Georgian Energy Security Initiative (GESI) program;
- 2003: Training Programs under the World Bank’s “Irrigation Project”;
- 2003: The State Program for Temporary and Permanent Employment of the Unemployed Persons;
- 2002: Initiation and facilitation to creation of new business consulting organizations (Business Centers) in Georgian regional towns of Rustavi, Marneuli and Akhalkalaki;
- 2002: The State Program for Temporary and Permanent Employment of the Unemployed Persons;
- 2002: Training programs for the beneficiaries in scope IOM’s International Micro Finance Program;
- 2001: “Global Training for Development”.