2015 – 2017: “Promoting Access to Finance and Agricultural Insurance for Agricultural Value Chain Actors” (PAFAI)
2016 – 2017: ABCO, in partnership with Swiss organization “Business & Finance Consulting “(BFC), implemented the “SDC project—Promoting Access to Finance and Agri- insurance for Agricultural Value Chain Actors (PAFAI)”. The goal of the PAFAI project, implemented by ABCO in partnership with BFC, was to promote access to finance and agri-insurance for agricultural value chain actors in Georgia with specific output to include the upscale of agricultural holdings via increased financial and insurance literacy of farmers. The project included two components: component 1- Access to Finance (with key activities being - a) support PFIs to enhance and expand tailored financial services for rural smallholders; b) facilitate introduction of Value Chain Finance approach; c) increase PFIs efficiency through improved financing schemes, procedures and banking tools) and component 2 - Access to Agricultural Insurance (with key activities being: a) support the Government to develop policy and legislative framework for agro-insurance development; b) support building of the National Scheme of Agri Insurance (NAGIS) to reduce the vulnerability of rural smallholders to agriculture-related risks and c) build capacities of private insurance companies).
ABCO’s specific tasks completed in scope of the project included : 1) collecting and analyzing information on selected Agriculture Value Chains and Supply Chains through conducting interviews with processors, agriculture inputs suppliers, agricultural service providers and farmers; 2) Analyzing terms of the currently available financing schemes for stakeholders from selected Agriculture Value Chains and Supply Chains, identify entry points and opportunities for PAFAI partners FIs to cooperate/finance Agriculture Value Chains and Supply Chains stakeholders; 3) Development and present Summary on analysis conducted with rationale on selecting Agriculture Value Chains and Supply Chains for implementation of Value Chain Financing. 4) Implementation of a Survey on Dairy Enterprises, Slaughterhouses and Input suppliers in Samtske-Javakheti, Kakheti, and Guria regions of Georgia. 5) Development of training materials/modules and delivery of trainings, consultations and coaching services to beneficiary agribusiness enterprises. In frame of the project, in cooperation with Bank of Georgia and MFI “Cristal”, were developed special loan products for dairy cattle, cattle fattening and pig fattening value chains; Special training modules were developed in order to increase efficiency of local farmers in primary production and their engagement in Value Chain Financing scheme.